Red flags. They’re everywhere. Warning us that the person we’re getting involved with is bad news, no good, turn around, 0/10 do not attempt.

And yet, we so often ignore them, like Twitter user @objsucks did:

She’s not alone of course. Check out these other doozies.

13. A really bad start

Ah. So…racism then. Just…plain old racism.

12. Rap it up

I had a somewhat similar experience with a drunk friend I was driving home once, but the one getting burned was me.

11. Power trip

And *that* alone should disqualify you from any governmental position ever for the rest of your life.

10. A single chocolate

This has got some serious Bates Motel energy.

9. The sickness

That’s awful, I hope he got the help he needed.

8. Number one problem

Once I can understand as an embarrassing but forgivable incident – but REGULARLY?

7. Scoot on out

Wait, that’s a thing?

6. Egg me on


5. Disney adult

The most tragical place on earth.

4. Watch out

Woof, a double-whammy.

3. Help yourself

Imagine being so selfish you won’t give your partner water.

2. Bless up

Oh, no.

1. Serious inquiries only

Is that your final answer?

If you see any of this: run.

What red flags have you ignored?

Tell us in the comments.