These f**king people…
Don’t they know by now? You CAN NOT lie on the internet anymore. It will not work out in your favor.
But people still do it, so yay for us! We can put lists like this together and laugh at their sad, pathetic attempts at trying to be somebody.
Away we go!
1. If you want to sell trucks, definitely do what this guy is doing…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
2. It’s the internet! The truth will find you!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
3. This guy who totally got hacked. Yeah…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
4. Looks legit.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
5. Ummm, this isn’t how profile pics work. Sorry…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
6. Working out by accident right before accidental backwards screenshot. I buy it.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
7. You’re dead.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
8. See d%ck lie! Lie d%ck lie!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
9. These people are the worst in the entire world. Well, except literal murderers. Then it’s these people.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
10. Why do people think they need F*ke internet social media points? None of it matters!!!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
11. Well, you see, the first picture is black and white, soooooo…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
12. Destroyed

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
13. Issac Whittemore is my hero.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
14. Adam, it’s the internet! They will find you and kill you!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
At the end of a hard day, there’s nothing I like more than sitting back, cracking open a good post and seeing people getting called on their bulls**t.
So share this with your friends. I’m sure they’ll like it too.