Is signing a prenuptial agreement completely unromantic? Yes. It absolutely is unromantic. You know what else is unromantic? The fact that a marriage is a legally binding contract between two people to share ALL of their possessions.
We all like to pretend that it isn’t that, but it is.
We also all like to pretend that untold numbers of people haven’t been tricked into getting married and then losing A LOT of their possessions as a result.
These 14 people had to deal with prenups, and their reactions to them are sometimes shocking and sometimes completely relatable.
14. Neither of you? It’s okay to not want one, and it’s okay to want one.

Photo Credit: Whisper
13. But is it?!

Photo Credit: Whisper
12. You shouldn’t have an exit strategy for a legally binding contract that ends more than 50% of the time? Cool story…

Photo Credit: Whisper
11. Don’t risk it. Ever.

Photo Credit: Whisper
10. I love the way she looks at it. What’s mine is ours IF we’re married. It’s not yours if we’re not. Done and done.

Photo Credit: Whisper
9. You sign the prenup and don’t assume their stuff is yours if your marriage ends.

Photo Credit: Whisper
8. Good. They should be mad.

Photo Credit: Whisper
7. Nobody should call you this. If they are, drop them quick!

Photo Credit: Whisper
6. Good thinking.

Photo Credit: Whisper
5. Anybody can SAY something. Signing a prenup proves it.

Photo Credit: Whisper
4. Action, not words. Every single time.

Photo Credit: Whisper
3. One other thing… they help when people do divorce. It’s VERY clear who gets what.

Photo Credit: Whisper
2. Haha, this is also a good idea!

Photo Credit: Whisper
1. Well, this happens to. Good luck!

Photo Credit: Whisper
Clearly I have an opinion about this, but what do you think?