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14 Cringeworthy Tweets For People That Are Single

We all know how it goes.

You want to be in a relationship, so you eventually are… and then everything falls apart and you’re alone again.

And sometimes that sucks so much that you start living a lie, trying to convince yourself that constantly being lonely while living your pointless, pathetic, ‘party life’ (aka getting lit in your sweatpants, eating pizza rolls, binge-watching Netflix shows, and never leaving the house – except for once a month when a friend actually invites you to something even slightly compares) is the best possible option you have right now, because “who needs an SO, anyway? Who needs kids?? Ew. Families = dumb…  single = carefree fun!”

Yeah, well… about that whole single-loving feeling… IT NEVER LASTS.

If you’re still delusional and you don’t believe me, these tweets have all the proof:

1. “Interviews”…

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Gurl same

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3. Umm you know what that is really an excellent point

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Exactly my point

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Only if you post pics, lady

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. And then they’re like “Whoaaaaa…” and I’m all “Whoooooa….”

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Dogs are people too ya jerk

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Oops!

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9. Accurate

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Photo Credit: Twitter

11. But do you LIKE like it?

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Ugh that always happens to me

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Wait what??

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

If I haven’t convinced you by now, we having nothing more to discuss. So.
