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The Best 14 Funny Tweets We Could Find

Well, with a title like that… how can you resist?! Because… we put these tweets together JUST for you. You and only you. That’s right. We made this post for just one person.

Which person is it? Well… I mean, we can’t tell you that. But you know who you are. And you’re a special, beautiful soul.

So sit down, pour some tea and get ready Karen… because it’s your god d*mn day… FINALLY!

1. Gotta move to the Netherlands…

2. Unconscious snaps don’t count…

3. Success!

4. Pretty much!

5. Lizzo is so pure

6. Just one of those dayzzzz

7. Can’t stop, won’t stop… hmmm

8. Ahhhhhhhh….all better!

9. Frankie… in service to Lizzo… and loving it!

10. Oh… those were the dayzzzz

11. “Thank you for all of your support throughout the week…”

12. Phew!

13. Mom crush to the extreme!

14. We love you just the way you is!

And just like that… our time is done.

We hope you enjoyed your trip down last week’s tweets. Tune in next time when we’ll have even more tweets for you to read because the internet never stops. It just keeps going and going and going and going and going… and going. O_O

Naw, just kidding. We’re not that morose. Let us know your fave tweets in the comments!