Who doesn’t love a good sexy surprise? Surprises in general are fun. Sex is, and I know this is a controversial statement, also pretty swell. So when you combine the two you’ve a potentially mind-blowing night in store for you and your partner.
Curious to hear more about how to make that happen? Here are 14 anonymously submitted ways some women give their guys a very hot time.
14. Reflex flexin’
Why, whatever do you mean?

Source: Whisper
13. Alarm cock
I’m truly sorry about that title, I just couldn’t resist.

Source: Whisper
12. The nude chef
There’s getting off early and then there’s getting off early.

Source: Whisper
11. Playing games
This is the best kind of evil.

Source: Whisper
10. Study break
Doing it on a pile of books doesn’t SOUND comfortable but I’d give it a chance.

Source: Whisper
9. Stuck inside
This is how you really work it from home.

Source: Whisper
8. Dinner conversation
The awkwardness with which he must have been angling his phone screen had to have been hilarious.

Source: Whisper
7. Shower power
Gettin’ dirty while you’re gettin’ clean.

Source: Whisper
6. Dom/sub
Almost everybody likes this at least once in a while.

Source: Whisper
5. Three’s company too
I think this is the first time in history this has happened outside of a porno.

Source: Whisper
4. Piercing stares
Honestly how dare you.

Source: Whisper
3. Say it loud
You know hotels also have other people in them though, right?

Source: Whisper
2. On the road again
Yeah, that’ll do it.

Source: Whisper
1. No if, ands, or butts
The look was probably priceless.

Source: Whisper
No matter who you’re with, a sexy surprise is pretty much always welcome. So if you’re feeling frisky, get out there and make your partner’s day.
What’s your favorite kind of sexy surprise?
Tell us about it in the comments.