I’ve never been married and honestly am largely unsold on the entire concept of it, but I think I might be reaching a turning point on that now.

Not because I’ve grown or matured. Quite the opposite. It’s because I saw all these pranks that are apparently a part of marriage and I was like “oh, I’ll get in it for the pranks, for sure.”

Here are fourteen wives who pulled some ridiculous tricks on their husbands.

14. The Grudge Jar

Is that the Grudge? I can’t remember. In the 2010’s there were like 900 movies with green scary kid faces in them.


13. I Love You

Wife programmed his phone to change “love” to “penis.”
What’s weird is apparently it took him 7 years to ever text that word??


12. Serious Leaks

“So yesterday I called Dave downstairs and told him there was a serious leak under our bathroom cabinet.”


11. Sleigh Rides

This is the kind of gift I can get behind.


10. Guess Who?

My wife better never pull this unless she wants something heavy instinctively thrown at her face.


9. Give me a Ring

She changed the doorbell name in the app. Perfect.


8. Snore Shaming

I’m more impressed by how deep a sleeper he must be. Pretty envious, tbh.


7. Vasectomy Jokes

Ah, nuts.


6. Chips a’Nope

I can’t imagine a whole lot in this life more evil.


5. Mrs. Ross

Now I see we’re back on formal terms.


4. Dirty Dinner



3. Lab Tests

Not sure this one counts as a prank.
More like…a severely distrustful relationship that should probably end.


2. The Missing Lunch

Forget your lunch ONE TIME and this happens.


1. Have a Seat

Cool, now I have PTSD and can never poop again.


Ok, marriage MIGHT be worth it for the prank wars.

What’s the best prank you’ve ever been a part of?

Tell us in the comments.