First dates: gotta love ’em. Unless they’re terrible. But in that case, at least we can take comfort in the fact that we won’t have to deal with a second one.
It’s a nerve-wracking experience. You try to get yourself looking good, choose something fun to do, use what you know about the person so far to cater to their interests, etc etc etc. Externally you’re all smiles and giggles and inside you’re sweating profusely hoping things work out well. And the end results? Well, they can be all over the place.
To illustrate that point look no further than these 15 true stories about wild first date experiences. Some of them are almost too bizarre to be believed.
15. We all like things
Reminds me of the Eddie Izzard bit; “I’ve got legs! Do you like bread?”

Source: Whisper
14. Putting the mooooves on him
I mean, I’d be intrigued.

Source: Whisper
13. Whoa there
Maaaaaybe this was his LAST date.

Source: Whisper
12. Keep it up
Might as well hand her a business card that just says “controlling dick.”

Source: Whisper
11. Bouncy conversationalist
This is true, by the way.

Source: Whisper
10. Show-off
Well that’s presumptive in a LOT of ways.

Source: Whisper
9. Counter-intuitive
The use of the word “ex” here is quite telling.

Source: Whisper
8. Indecent proposal
When you know, you just know.

Source: Whisper
7. Snooze fest
Glad you’re already bored with me.

Source: Whisper
6. Oh, baby
Planning for the future is nice, but maybe slow down a bit.

Source: Whisper
5. Estimation error
Is this guy a robot?

Source: Whisper
4. Trigger happy
I don’t think he’ll be “going south” for a long time.

Source: Whisper
3. Bad move
Maybe he meant your food?

Source: Whisper
2. Famous last words
The remainder of this sentence is never good.

Source: Whisper
1. Stripped down
On the bright side, they can only get better from here.

Source: Whisper
First dates can be the worst dates. But, if there weren’t at least a few good ones, we wouldn’t have couples! So, keep the hope alive. Get out there. Gather some stories.
What’s your crazy first date story?
Tell us in the comments.