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15 Couples Who Are Pretty Darn Cute

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

These 15 couples need to stop it already!

Because they’re making the rest of us and our petty little relationships look bad!

Or maybe we should take some cues from the pros?


1. If this isn’t a relationship goal, I don’t know what is…

2. Now that is a f*cking team right there!

3. Oh. My. God.

4. Too much is just right.

5. That is the sweetest thing you’ll ever see.

6. Hahaha, what a beautiful spazmataz….

7. Gotta keep pumping up your partner!

8. Shut. Up. Right. Now. *squeeee*

9. These two are on the same page, for sure!

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

10. It’s just Kool-Aid. Nice try grands!

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

11. Destroyed by her beauty. The right response.

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

12. 44 years?! Wow!

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

13. These two get each other the same anni cards!

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

14. And these two got each other same anni gifts!

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

15. The only way to go out. Side by side. Still arguing. Kind of…  ?

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

Seriously, those were completely and absolutely adorable.

I don’t know if I’ll ever have a love like that, but that is exactly what I’m looking for!
