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15 Hotels You’ll Be Glad you Didn’t Stay in Overnight or Any Night

Image Credit: Reddit

If you think too hard about the concept of a hotel, you might never stay in one. You’re trusting low-paid strangers to clean the sheets, the carpets, the towels, the bathrooms….I mean, I pretty much expect to come down with something every time I return from out of town.

I just hope that it’s something relatively harmless, and count myself lucky.

Sadly, these 15 people’s stories are only proving my fears to be reality.

15. I never thought to check inside the coffeemaker, but I will now.

14. No one will notice the real blood if the carpet looks like a smear of blood. Genius!

13. Yeah, I’m not getting on that elevator.

12. You can’t just empty a vacuum cleaner and call it art, people.

11. This would not make me laugh.

10. I hope you turned that in to Lost & Found.

9. This has little effect on my life.

8. Just look at that view!

7. Kind of makes you wonder what else was stolen. Or what will be stolen.

6. Seems legit.

5. You mean this electric tea kettle that came with the room?

4. I feel like someone should have noticed before this got quite so far.

3. Is it wrong that I thought “wow, good idea!”?

2. Someone had to do that on purpose, right?

1. Everyone’s a comedian.

Airbnb is the way to go, people! I can at least convince myself that’s true.

Do you trust hotels? Do you always stay in expensive ones, or do you just count on your immune system to back you up?

Share your secrets with us in the comments!