I try not to indulge in my old-man “you damn kids don’t know how good you’ve got it!” rants too often. After all, it’s not like us American 90’s kids grew up traversing a dessert to get well water or something. It’s not like we were all dying of dysentery in our ox-drawn carriages (though we did love to pretend we were, for some reason.)
Still. The rate at which technology has moved in the last few decades does mess with my mind enough that I can’t help but occasionally shake my head at how different everything is.
Let’s reflect on this with some memes.
15. Circle “yes,” “no,” or “maybe”
Via someecards
Via someecards
13. It’s amazing I never wrecked my car flipping through this
Via someecards
12. This was my retirement plan
Via someecards
11. There’s a lot going on here
Via someecards
10. As long as nobody finds my diary
Via someecards
9. This sentence would be gibberish now
Via someecards
8. Our coming of age was a little…slower
Via someecards
7. And then you’d immediately lose this
Via Bored Panda
6. We didn’t understand minesweeper, but we played it, dammit
Via @thowbackmachine
5. Beware the dreaded double exposure!
Via @90smadness
4. Brought to you by limewire.exe
Via @whiskeyriff
3. This is the only true art
Via @todaykidswont
2. There are so many more ways to ignore people now
Via @fokuseventspage
1. Honestly, a better investment
Via @90smadness
Alright, now get off my lawn.
What was the hardest part about 90’s life for you?
Let us know in the comments.