The key to a great day consists of three things: a hearty breakfast, a strong cup of coffee, and an article packed with hilarious memes!
So now that you’ve had your coffee and eggs, let’s get to the laughter portion of your morning!
1. Losing your sh^t.
Photo Credit: someecards
2. Just tell the truth.
Photo Credit: someecards
3. He’s clearly cheating.
Photo Credit: someecards
4. Time to kick back.
Photo Credit: someecards
5. You must be a chef!
Photo Credit: someecards
6. Where the heck is he?
Photo Credit: someecards
7. We need this immediately.
Photo Credit: someecards
8. A stranglehold.
Photo Credit: someecards
9. You’re gonna make it worse.
Photo Credit: someecards
10. Avoid at all costs.
Photo Credit: someecards
11. Read the fine print.
Photo Credit: someecards
12. How dare you!
Photo Credit: Twitter
13. I’ll do it tomorrow.
Photo Credit: Twitter
14. Truer words have never been spoken.
Photo Credit: Twitter
15. People will believe anything.
Photo Credit: Twitter
Okay, that was a great way to jumpstart the day!
What was your favorite funny meme in this article?
Tell us in the comments! Let’s compare notes!