The internet was made for memes, and memes were made mostly for cats, so today we’ve got a collection of memes, which are largely of cats, that we’re posting to the internet for you to enjoy. It’s as simple and elegant as that.
Enjoy these fifteen random and largely cat-tastic memes.
15. The cutest little puke
Cats just kinda don’t give a single care about nuthin’.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
14. Homeward bound
He’s clearly had enough.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
13. Sonic contrasts
Everything is welcome here.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
12. Don’t get crabby
Man, remember buffets?

Via: anlyin on Imgur
11. Bad news
Well this just got freaky in a whole different way.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
10. Ready to pounce
“As soon as I learn to read it’s over for you humans.”

Via: anlyin on Imgur
9. Sit and fit
I will blame the dryer until the day I die.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
8. A proper lady
It’s called class, look it up sweetie.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
7. Meet your fate
Never thought the destroyer of destiny would be such a chonk.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
6. The write stuff
Get out.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
5. Work smarter
Maybe he’s just board.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
4. On your mark, get set…
Watching that clock stay on 4:59 for twelve years somehow.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
3. Spin me a yarn
But there’s more…there’s always so much more…

Via: anlyin on Imgur
2. Attack mode

Via: anlyin on Imgur
1. The purfect companion
You gotta be more specific with your life advice.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
Hilarious. Adorable. This is why the information superhighway exists in the first place.
What are your favorite kinds of memes?
Tell us in the comments.