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15 Funny Millennial Tweets That Are Pretty Accurate


Man, Millennials really just can’t catch a break, can they?

They get ridiculed by everyone who isn’t part of their generation and they seem to be the b*tt of endless jokes. But it seems like they (usually) take the harassment in stride.

Let’s give these young people a break…after we laugh at these tweets making fun of them.

1. Ugggghhhh

2. Let’s not get together

3. Check all the boxes

4. That’s not depressing at all

5. Oh God, no!

6. Hang on tight

7. He has a point…

8. Ouch

9. Quite a difference

10. Well, good to see ya

11. The nerve of these people

12. Hmmmmm

13. So true

14. I don’t hear anything

15. The wonders of time

Now, get back to eating your avocado toast!