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15 Misspellings that Might Make You Feel Better About Yourself

Image Credit: Reddit

Everyone makes a spulling error now and then, and with spellcheck halping us out, they’re very often unintentionally funne, too!

You see what I did there? Yeah you did…

This happens more often when a person has heard a word and thinks they know how to spell it…but they definitely don’t.

Like these 15 poor saps, who found out the hard way how wrong they were.

15. I’m happy consent is such a hot topic these days.

14. I mean French is hard!

13. But it does make everything sound fancier.

12. You are what you eat and all that.

11. This is surely much more widespread than one might guess.

10. I definitely don’t think you mean that…

9. That’s one way to get people to stop stealing.

8. I’m pretty sure that would burn.

7. Nope, that’s not right either.

6. Straight up copyright infringement.

5. Yes, they make baked items even more delicious.

4. You keep using that word.

3. Yes, yes that’s it!

2. That Michael has some deadly moves.

1. Only certain times of the day, I believe.

Some of these really had me wheezing – hilarious!

Have you ever horribly misspelled a word you were totally sure you had right? Or are you just really dumb and can’t spell or barely read?

Tell us about it in the contents!