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15 of the Best ‘Unspirational’ Quotes from Everyone’s Favorite Instagram Account

Photo Credit: Instagram, @unspirational

If you’re not following Unspirational on Instagram, wyed?

When it comes to the collection and appreciation of life quotes, curating those of the unspirational variety is the ONLY acceptable way to go about it.

Here are 15 reasons why I’m right:

1. I truly worry about those of you who put ‘live, laugh, love’ on your walls.

2. There’s just so much more you could be learning.

3. But noooo. Y’all have to use the same poster of the same quote with same words.


4. Why be like everyone else???

5. Why tf won’t you learn??!

6. Inspirational is soooo 1900s. Unspirational is clearly the only acceptable choice.

7. See? Life just makes more sense when you have a realistic perspective.

8. No need to waste your time on whimsy or flummadiddle.

9. That’s just silly.

10. I, for one, prefer to be open and honest.

11. Because I believe you can accomplish more when you speak the truth and say what you mean.

12. “Be direct” has always been my philosophy. Because I read it on a fortune cookie one time in college.

13. Obviously you should agree with me, because I wrote this and you didn’t.

14. And if you don’t like my reasoning… you’re wrong.

15. Okay, that’s it. We’re done here.

Enough said.