Bless the hearts of these older folks. They were only trying to join in on social media like all the young kids are doing these days, but…well, they kind of blew it.

In adorable ways, mind you. So that’s why we’re glad they did it, so we can all have a good laugh together!

Let’s see what these people did that brought joy to so many.

1. Oh, no…not that.

They meant “Save the Date”…
byu/tenmileswide inoldpeoplefacebook

2. Oh, Pamela…

They’ve lost the business they never had from me!
by inoldpeoplefacebook

3. Any takers?

byu/curry_stains inoldpeoplefacebook

4. Love this pic.

Good job
byu/_raouldukee inoldpeoplefacebook

5. Thanks for letting us know.

My Aunt giving everyone a heads up
by inoldpeoplefacebook

6. And George was…?

Geroge who?
byu/TVDinnerAndChill inoldpeoplefacebook

7. And the Lord is returning soon.

Gf found this in her feed
byu/BradStudley inoldpeoplefacebook

8. A real snoozefest, apparently.

byu/Flums666 inoldpeoplefacebook

9. Interesting…

Not sure which “sturdy” item she’s referring too?
byu/saltfreesailing inoldpeoplefacebook

10. David nailed it again.

HaHa good one David!
byu/Fanatical_Firebrand inoldpeoplefacebook

11. Mistaken identity.

Hey! That’s my son!
byu/iStigmatic inoldpeoplefacebook

12. Did it work?

Coconut oil fixes everything.
byu/Grace-Maree inoldpeoplefacebook

13. You never know until you try…

Not the most effective way, but it could work.
byu/Spudsnaz inoldpeoplefacebook

14. Short and sweet.

I’m an retired.
byu/TerraWristt inoldpeoplefacebook

15. This isn’t Google, Dad.

My friend tried to wish his father happy new year
byu/humblegold incomedyheaven

Has an older member of your family done something hilarious like this on Facebook, Twitter, or another social media network?

Tell us all about it in the comments. And remember to include pics!