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15 People Share the Best Movies They Never Want to See Again

Okay, here’s a fun game.

What’s a movie that you recognize is very good (or even great), but you don’t think you ever need to or want to see it again?

Maybe it’s because they’re disturbing, depressing, heck, maybe they’re just too long for your tastes.

As for me, I don’t typically like “drug addiction movies”. I’ll watch them once and I can acknowledge that they’re good (Requiem for a Dream, Spun, The Basketball Diaries, etc.), but I just don’t like the way they make me feel. One exception in that category: Drugstore Cowboy. I love that movie.

Here’s the tweet that got the conversation rolling.

Anyway, here is what other people had to say about this topic.

1. Very bleak.

2. Don’t mess with the devil.

3. Once was enough.

4. A classic film.

5. Grim AF.

6. This guy knows what I’m talking about!

7. Emotionally draining.

8. A sad, true story.

9. It’s worth revisiting every few years, in my opinion.

10. A double whammy.

11. A terrifying story.

12. I wasn’t crazy about this one.

13. Definitely a creepy film.

14. Not gonna see that one again.

15. An incredible movie, but definitely draining.

What are some movies you think are high-quality but you never want to sit down and watch them again?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments, please!