I’ve never really understood the term “social butterfly” being used to describe someone who is generally good at handling social situations. I guess it’s meant to draw up images of graceful, lovely bugs floating on the breeze, but like, have you ever tried to get CLOSE to a butterfly? Those things will nope out of there as fast as possible.

Every. Single. Time.

In that regard, I feel like *I,* a supreme introvert who has no idea how to be around humans, am more of the social butterfly. I’m taking it back.

And I’m not the only person who seems confused by or feels inept in social situations. Just look at some of the responses to this prompt on r/AskReddit:

What are you hilariously bad at?
byu/cappuccinooww inAskReddit

There were tons of answers, but many had a common theme: social skills.

Here are just a few examples of the sorts of things many of us have trouble with.

1. Say cheese?

Posing for pictures.

When I smile, it looks like there’s a gun being pointed at me behind the camera.

I just don’t understand how photogenic people exist

– CrimsonFox100

2. “I never forget a face.”

Recognize people in different environment.

[…] (I think I’m face blind)

Usually I grow a big beard once a year or so. A couple of years ago my friend had this majestic beard.

I felt that it was awesome so I decided to pump it up by growing for 5-6 months. When I shaved it of I started to laugh because I couldn’t remember how I looked.

– rollzrobbz

3. This is the dating conundrum.


I am so bad at it when I’m trying. I’m such an awkward person.

I’m good at it (as in I don’t realize I’m doing it) when I’m not trying.

– brokendowndryer

4. A guy walks into a joke…

Telling jokes.

I always tell the punch line too soon or bastardize it in such a way that it’s no longer funny.

The hubs always gives me grief.

– DayDrmBlvr82

5. I’ve literally forgotten my own sister’s name before.

Remembering names. I don’t know why but I can’t remember names.

I’ve forgotten names of people I’ve known for years and talk to them regularly.

– NeverSeenA1Thirteen

6. Empathy vs help.

Comforting or consoling a crying friend…

– Vrinda777

7. This is a very good comment, nice job.

Understanding emotions and knowing how to respond to people when they compliment me

– Reddwarf987

8. It’s hard to put yourself out there.

Making new friends and/or speaking to strangers.

– Ms-Charlie

9. Why are phones even called phones at this point?

Speaking on the phone.

I will stare at my phone waiting for it to go to voicemail or send me a text.

– catasha7

10. How are you daying?

Saying hi, have a good day and how are you doing. Idk why, but It always comes out weird.

– Polaris_Indy500

11. Some of us are just closed off.

Being emotional, even towards my own family.

I can’t even say “I love you” It just makes me cringe.

– Onyzil

12. It’s hard to get good.

Gaming, I have so many friends who want to game with me, and when I say yes they try to be polite but end up laughing at me… :,-)

– SopfieC0ntr0lefreak

13. I run late so often it’s basically a marathon.

Getting somewhere on time. I am working on it though

– shortbrunette1992

14. To tell you the truth…

I am a ridiculously bad liar. Like, I try… but immediately start laughing.

Or I make this weird voice that goes high then low and… yeah. My partner appreciates it.

He already knows I’m proposing on his bday. 🙄

– weird_honey22

15. Can you see the signs?

Seeing signals from girls who are into me.

My current girlfriend literally asked what was wrong with me and how I was so blind to it.

She showed me bikini pics to show me her tattoos, asked if I thought she was pretty, asked me out for a drink after work and I still didn’t get that she liked me.

I’m a moron

– InSuspencer

Everybody’s got a struggle of some sort they’re dealing with socially. Be patient. Be nice. And don’t force a butterfly to stay.

What sort of social things are you bad at?

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