To cuddle or not cuddle: that is the question. Some folks prefer it, some apparently don’t even want to be touched after having sex.

Where do you fall on this issue?

AskReddit users went on the record and told us why they don’t cuddle after doing the deed.

1. That’s acceptable.

“I get too hot so I need a few to cool down.”

2. The kids!

“We have young kids who often walk into our room at night for various reasons so we shower right after.

I also dont like the idea/feeling of being sweaty in bed.”

3. Is she a cyborg?

“She goes ice-cold.

Like as soon as she climaxes, her body temperature drops like she just died or something, and she doesn’t warm up no matter how many blankets I burrito her in.”

4. Nature calls.

“Gotta pee.”

5. Okay, that makes sense.

“I need to clean up the fluid oozing from my down south.”

6. Different seasons.

“Cuddles in the winter.

Don’t touch me! in the summer.

Like, even choosing positions with minimal body contact because we are both super horny but it’s too hot to touch.”

7. We might need to talk…

“I’m scared that I might cuddle too hard after s^x and then I’ll have to inflate her again.”

8. Time to reboot.

“If it’s really good s^x I just kinda lay there comatose for about 5 minutes and reboot.”

9. Call the clean-up crew.

“Right after? Nah. Gotta clean up first.

Take care of the wet spot, rinse off and the shower and I dunno who needs to hear this but: seriously you should pee after sex. After that it’s cuddle time.”

10. Are you hungry?

“We get up to clean all the wet parts, then go get some snacks.”

11. It’s burning up!

” Way too hot.”

12. Think about your health.

“I need to pee or I will get a UTI.”

13. Well, there’s that.

“She says that costs extra.”

14. Here are the steps.

“Step 1: finishing kiss

Step 2: pee

Step 3: get a drink of water

Step 4: cuddle…. for 2 minutes before falling asleep.”

15. This one seems like a keeper.

“Sex makes me hungry.

Need to go make an omelette.”

Well, that sure was interesting, huh?

What do you think? Are you a cuddler after you just knocked the boots?

Tell us all about it in the comments.