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15 People Who Saw a Tweet and Made It Funnier


There is a lot of hilarious content on Twitter, but it takes a really funny person to improve upon a tweet that someone has already sent out and to put a humorous twist on it.

Here are 15 great examples.

1. See ya!

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

3. There it is

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Hello there

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. The man can do no wrong

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Are you this person?

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Sad…

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Hahaha

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. 10???

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. All puffed up

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Diss

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. The Bible says…

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Quite a deal

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. You are amazing

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Zing!

Photo Credit: Twitter