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15 Screenshots From People Who Texted the Wrong Number

Photo Credit: Ranker

Have you ever fat-fingered a text and sent it to the wrong person? Especially when you were drunk?

Yeah you have…

These people who texted the wrong person weren’t necessarily drunk, but after getting these responses, they probably wish they were!


1. No he does not look like a Jessica.

Photo Credit: Ranker

2. A very standard response

Photo Credit: Ranker

3. Murica!

Photo Credit: Ranker

4. This joke is prehistoric…

Photo Credit: Ranker

5. We haven’t all been there. Sorry not sorry.

Photo Credit: Ranker

6. They don’t know how cats work?

Photo Credit: Ranker

7. That escalated quickly!

Photo Credit: Ranker

8. Who doesn’t want to party?!

Photo Credit: Ranker

9. Saxy!

Photo Credit: Ranker

10. Make ’em laugh!

Photo Credit: Ranker

11. Grill, you got me hot and bothered!

Photo Credit: Ranker

12. It’s not JUST a car…

Photo Credit: Ranker

13. Bruh.

Photo Credit: Ranker

14. Best. Response. Ever.

Photo Credit: Ranker

15. So… they reported this, right?!

Photo Credit: Ranker

Well, that’s was fun! You know what else is fun? Sharing funny posts with friends.

So do it!