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15 Posts That Show How Group Projects Can Be the Worst


I never liked working on group projects in school. A couple people (or maybe only one) would carry the weight and do all the work, and the other folks would sit on their asses and not do anything.


Now, truth be told… I was definitely not one of the people who did the work. I can admit that now because there are absolutely no repercussions other than you judging me, and really… I can’t feel any of that, so I’m good.

Still, the people behind these posts are on the same page as most of you who sweated it out to make sure the work got done.

Enjoy, responsible suckers!

1. Jailbird

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Whatever works

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. I’ll let you know

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Played every role

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Maybe a bit extreme

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Useless

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Well said

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Yeah!

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Do you accept checks?

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Hahahaha this is good

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Ugh

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Even they didn’t do it right

Photo Credit: Tumblr

13. Can you just do the whole thing?

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. This doesn’t look good

Photo Credit: Tumblr

15. Enjoy!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Did that bring back some bad memories? Or, like me, were you one of those folks who slacked off?

Hey, like I said… it’s okay to admit it now because there are ZERO consequences. Okay, maybe you feel bad for a few minutes… but would you really? Or would you just love to gloat that you got away with it?

Share your thoughts (and stories) in the comments!