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15 Problems Nobody Had 10 Years Ago

©Unsplash,Seth Doyle

I thought new advances in technology were supposed to make our lives easier and less complicated?

Apparently not, my friends.

These posts make it clear that we are not in control…our nifty little devices and social media are clearly running the show…

Let’s take a look.

1. That was 8 years ago!

2. Phew! That was close.

3. Such a hassle.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Let’s try that again.

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. It’s like torture.

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Don’t even get me started.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Great, now I’m blind.

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Son of a…

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Now what?

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Permanently disfigured.

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. This might take a while.

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Just throw them in the trash.

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. I need the perfect mix.

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Zoom waaaaaaaay in.

Photo Credit: Twitter

I’m not gonna lie, those posts kind of make me want to live off the grid for a while…but we all know that’s impossible, right?

Do your devices control your life? Maybe just a little bit?

Tell us all about your trials and tribulations in the comments, please!