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15 Random, Funny Tweets You Will Laugh At

©Flickr,Richard Foster

I present to you a bountiful harvest of incredibly funny tweets about totally random subjects.

You will laugh. I promise.

1. Pretty much

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Don’t even try

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Uh oh

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

5. You’re free to go

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Not bad at all

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Anything for insurance

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Classy

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Every movie ever made

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Official history

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. A good hill

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. That’s all you need

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Hmmmm

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Not good traits

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. We’re done here

Photo Credit: Twitter

I know funny, and those are funny.