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15 Funny Tweets That People Shared On Twitter

©Unsplash,David Calderón

Let cheer up a bit, shall we? We all need a little laughter once in a while, and these funny tweets should do the trick.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd GO!

1. Dr. Lecter

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Srsly

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Did you call the cops?

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Ouch

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. He is!

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. That would be a riot

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Sounds hot

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. I wish

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. I’m the most beautiful

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. That’ll work

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Carry on…

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Yes they did

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Waterworks

14. Dad joke

15. I can’t see you
