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20 Sidesplittingly Funny Tweets About Parenthood


There are a helluva lotta funny parents out there. Good thing we have Twitter so we can keep track of the hilarity!

Enjoy these tweets from parents who are telling it like it is.

1. A threat

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. That’s true

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. That’s not what I meant

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Gross!

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Oh, mom

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. More gross

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. That’s what it should be called

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. LOL

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. That’s what they are

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Human garbage disposal

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Not college material

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Face palm

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Drop it!

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. It is a lot of fun

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Not serious

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Drink up

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. No ma’am

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. Remember those?

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Smart kid

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. There’s no escape

Photo Credit: Twitter

Funny parents for the win!