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15 Stories of the Worst Kind of Friend Betrayals

Source: BeefyT1ts on Reddit

Friendships can be one of the greatest joys available in this life – right up until they go wrong.

There’s no accounting for the selfishness sometimes; it can really shock you, and leave you with a regrettable story forever.

Here are 15 such stories from the people of Reddit.

1. The False Alarm

When I was in college, a close friend from high school called me in a panic saying his girlfriend was just discharged from the hospital and he needed to go take care of her. When I say close, I mean every weekend together, called each other’s moms “Mom.” We had a really tight, small circle of friends, so of course I went to help. I had spent all day at school and all night working dinner at a restaurant, but in an emergency like that, sure, I got you.

I drove 40 minutes to get him, then an hour to her house. He’s trying not to panic the whole way.

When we pull up, the bedridden girl who needed round the clock assistance was sitting on the curb smoking a cigarette, then bounces up and says, “Give me a hug, f**ker!”

I very loudly and aggressively made it clear what a piece of s**t he was for lying about this. I made sure he knew that he traded our friendship for a ride to his girlfriend’s house.

Then I drove the hour home and except for acknowledging him at his brother’s wedding, haven’t spoken to him since.

– audiate

2. Going AWOL

I had 12 hours before I deployed to Afghanistan. I lived about 6 hours from my point of departure (airport from which I would fly into theater) and my friend/ex-girlfriend had committed to driving me there on that day.

Packed, dressed, goodbyes said, I take an Uber to her house with all my gear and baggage ready to go. I knock on the door and she answers in her robe. I ask her if she was about ready and she proceeds to tell me that she forgot (after we had talked 2 days prior) and that she really wasn’t feeling like driving that distance.

Utterly shocked and confused, I explain to her that if I miss my flight, it’s considered a “failure to report for duty” and I could be considered a deserter or AWOL. Heavy consequences for it either way. She told me to figure it out and closed the door.

At that point I had no idea what to do so I called my first sergeant. We worked in a very remote location and he was the closest person to me at that point. That man drove the 3 hours from his home to get me and then the other 6 hours to the airport.

Bought me dinner and got me tipsy before I had to get on my flight. I had the stunning realization that day that you really can’t trust anyone, but I gained a lifelong friend as a result. We still talk regularly ’til this day!

– BeefyT1ts

3. The Cold Shoulder

The horrible first impression my at the time ‘best friend’ had on my at the time new girlfriend who is now years later my wife.

We all went out to dinner and my wife is shy and quiet while my friends are loud and rowdy. My friends cousin kept messing with her and being obnoxious despite her very much telling him to stop. At one point he made inappropriate comments on her boobs and it got to the point where she ended up crying and walking out of the restaurant.

I followed her and my “friend” who had been in the bathroom at the time called me to ask what happened I told him his cousin was being a d**k and his response was that my gf was being a b**ch, that they were trying to get her to talk more but she was “giving them the cold shoulder” and wasn’t welcome to their outings anymore.

He went on to apologize later on but was having problems with alcoholism and we drifted our separate ways before long.

– Psychotic_Jester

4. A Little Effort?

I drive 6 hours(one way) twice in the span of a year to visit this f**ker because I thought we were friends and he acted like we were. It cost me $300 each time to visit him but he was alone in his new city(he moved away for his first job post uni) and kept msging me saying I should come visit blah blah blah.

Later I find out this guy has came back to my town multiple times and didn’t hit me up once, and he stayed for months at a time! Then I tell him about this and he says okay he’ll visit next time he’s back in town.

So then next time comes around and he stops by literally right before he’s about to drive home, to say hi for 5 mins… like dude you don’t wanna see me why are you just going through all this bs and making me waste my money.

– lifeofjeb2

5. “Oh Well”

Promised to invite me to a group outing, only to text me one day out of the blue that they already left and “oh well”.

From mutual friends who went on the outing, they told me that this friend never told them that I was invited.

– Ahstia

6. The Wedding No-Show

I offered to pay everything and even pay her for her time off work for my best friend to come to my wedding but she didn’t. It was a really small backyard wedding and I didn’t have any bridesmaids nor did I want anyone to spend money getting dresses blah blah blah. I just wanted her to come.

The excuse she gave was work and so I understood but then later found out she lied and had planned a trip with her other friends.

I still don’t know why she didn’t want to come. we were friends for over 10 years and although It wasn’t the first time she had really hurt me, it was the last.

– breakingwaves67

7. Are You Driven?

I had a very close friend in high school, she moves to Alabama for uni after we graduated, but we kept close!

When she came back we didn’t talk much, but I still considered her a close friend. We went out for coffee about two years ago, she kept asking me about my life and my goals and I said I was happy where I am (I coach gymnastics) and my boyfriend and I will eventually take over his family farm, and start our own family.

She texted me two days later and said “hey so my entrepreneur friend is hosting a workshop, do you want me to sign you up?” I said no but thanks for the offer, she then texted me “so clearly we are at two different points in our lives, you have no goals, or ambitions, and I don’t want that kind of negativity in my life. I wish you the best” and I never spoke to her again.

– chazzieboii

8. Can’t Drink

This is currently happening. I had a stroke in 2020 (I’m young, 31) and then found out that my kidneys were failing shortly after.

I know it’s a pandemic, but not one of my friends have even texted me to check on me, or ask my husband who they’re all also “friends with”.

Literally everyone cut me off when I got sick. Can’t drink? Not friends anymore.

– Ok_Eye_3511

9. Who Knows What Happened

After 25 years of friendship…I announced to my best friend that I was moving to the city she was in. I had a great job opportunity and felt like it was an awesome time to make a big life change. I was so excited to tell her, I could hardly wait. She flatly replied with, “cool”…and when I asked her what parts of town I should look at to live she stated “I can’t help you, you should just figure it out when you get here”.

We never had a fight, had been close for our entire adult lives and I had continually helped her in all aspects of her life without hesitation. To this day, I cannot tell you why she started treating me this way.

Long story short, we live in the same city and haven’t seen each other in 6 years. And I’m quite sure we live minutes away from each other. I will prob never know what happened

– Due-Time-8151

10. Jealousy

It was my 17th birthday. I had invited 2 of my “best friends” to stay the night. I waited for hours and finally got a text saying they got in trouble (they were twins) and couldn’t stay the night. About an hour later they were tagged in pictures. They were at another girls house.

I confronted them the next day and they stuck with their lie and said their mom wouldn’t drive them because they were in terrible so they walked to this other girls house. My mom asked their mom because she knew how hurt I was. She didn’t even know about my birthday, and they weren’t in trouble.

I stopped hanging out with them.

Learned a few months later that one of them had decided she didn’t like me because her 20 year old crush (another friend’s brother) had said It was a shame I was a minor because he thought I was cute.

– daisydoom456

11. That’s the Ticket

Had one friend that bought a bunch of tickets for a midnight movie premiere for myself and our entire friends group (bout 15 of us)

Day of the show, he texts me and says he forgot to buy a ticket for me.

I ask “what do you mean you forgot to buy”my” ticket? Of the 15 you bought, how is it MY ticket that you decided wasn’t purchased?”

Turns out, he did buy a ticket for me included in the 15 he bought, but he just met a girl the week prior, and decided to give my ticket to her.

So our entire friends group went to the movie, minus me.

There’s other things he did to me as well. We’re no longer friends.

– alwaysmyfault

12. The Fridge Debacle

A friend was moving internationally, he offered me a fridge and washing machine for about half price. I was in Uni, but desperately needed it. I told him i had like $20 p/w to work with and he was cool with it. We agree to $15 per week for a year.

6 weeks later his girlfriend comes around to tell me he wants to take me to court to get the rest in one payment. I get served and go to court and present the original agreement. His girlfriend says he needs the money urgently and the judge says that don’t mean s**t.

He then calls my dad and says I stole his s**t, Dad calls me and I lay it all out. Dad ends up paying him the remainder just to get him to go away.

– CompletelyFlammable

13. The Birthday Dinner

My sixteenth birthday I invited my friends over for a party including dinner. I spent all day cooking with my dad and made beautiful chocolate mousse cups in chocolate bowls, I went all out and I was so proud of the meal. I told everyone that dinner was at 6:30.

Nobody showed up until 8:30. They were completely stoned and had a bag of toys from Dollartree. I had already cleaned up and put away all the food. They had all been hanging out without me on my birthday and I was still an afterthought.

– TheBrontosaurus

14. Very Driven

Met ex-friend as a coworker. He needed a ride home since he didn’t have a car so I offered. Drove him home d**n near every shift for 3 years. Became my closest friend.

I was 16, just started driving. He was in his mid-early twenties. Now as a teenager I made some bad decisions and wasn’t the best guy. But this was 8 some odd years ago.

Fast forward to 4 months ago. When he told my fiance every terrible thing I’ve done throughout my life, and detailed to her every reason she should leave me. Gave her a spare key to his house and told her that when she makes the right decision his doors are open.

Apparently he’s been trying to end our relationship for almost 2 years. Feeding her lies and whispering in her ear about how bad a person i am. So that he can have my fiance join HIS fiance in a 3 way relationship.

– Hastur_19

15. The Blizzard

My freshman year in college I had 2 roommates and one of their girlfriends came to visit for the weekend so the other roommate and I were gonna give them the room to themselves for a little while. Most nights this wouldn’t be a big deal but this was in the middle of a blizzard and we had almost 2 feet of snow so there wasn’t really anywhere to go.

So my roommate and a few buddy’s were gonna take a friend’s truck out for a ride thru the snowy hills we lived in and smoke some weed. As we are walking out to the truck I realized I forgot something and ran back upstairs to grab it real quick and when I came back down I see the truck driving away without me.

Turns out one of the our other friends had their gf in town too and he brought her along so there wasn’t room in the car for me anymore so they just left without me without waiting or even trying to tell me.

– HorsNoises

Well, that’s a bummer and a half.

Have you had an experience like this?

Tell us about it in the comments.