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15 Things Guys Should Probably Stop Worrying About

Source: BMOforlife on Reddit

Human bodies. What’s up with them?

We’ve all got ’em and we all pretty much hate ours.

This goes just as much for straight men as it does anyone else. But maybe we can chill? So saith Reddit?

Let’s see if we can ease some fears.

1. Don’t sweat it

Getting sweaty during s*x.

I had a bf that always felt so bad if any sweat dripped onto me and I was always like ????? I literally don’t care keep going

– boopedydoop

2. Once you’re there…

If we’re at the point of being naked, I like the person.

I like that person enough to take the gamble that their body looks like a normal body, and there’s plenty of s*xy/adorable parts of it.

There’s definitely also going to be neutral and unattractive parts of any body, because it’s a body. I honestly have no idea what would cause me to change my mind of not liking a person based on the way they look, short of some hygiene issue.

My limited experience has included a variety of body shapes, heights, etc, and it’s all been super fun, because s*x is fun.

The best, s*xiest thing is to be with someone who is having fun. If I can be with someone who is smiling and laughing and having fun during s*x, the s*x will be awesome.

Please stop worrying about your d*ck or you hair or your weight or your muscle definition or your whatever else and know that for most people, we’re just happy to be there.

– BMOforlife

3. Enter the gray

Graying hair.

My 32 year old husband is currently freaking out because he has “so many” (it’s not that many), gray hairs.

I couldn’t give two sh*ts lol I think he’s still just as handsome and I really don’t see what the big deal is

– Smoky-The-Beer

4. Size

I know it’s been said repeatedly already: but penis size.

I’ve had s*x with 3 dudes in my life. One was slightly above average, one was slightly below average, and my current partner is about average.

Below average dude was the first man I slept with, but I didn’t care at all about the size because he was so focused on making sure I was enjoying myself every step of the way.

Largest dude was second, and he wasn’t bad at s*x or anything, but he was very focused on his own pleasure.

Current boyfriend? Like I said, average size, but that doesn’t matter at all. He’s all about making sure that we both enjoy ourselves, even if that means we need to use s*x toys to finish the job or enhance the experience.

We frequently talk about any kinks or positions or whatever that we want to try out, and that openness is the s*xiest thing about him.

– birdcatlady

5. Teeth

I like healthy teeth, but years ago I long-term dated a guy with crooked front teeth that to me made him cuter really, especially when he laughed.

I ended up marrying a guy with a gap in his front teeth. Again, great with a good laugh.

– Rainbow_Flamethrow

6. Money


I’ve seen a few guys try to act like they have money to burn in order to impress their dates (me included) but then not be able to pay the bills at the end of the month.

Honestly, I’ll take stability and honesty over a fancy dinner any day.

– EchoFoxAlpha

7. Do you even lift?

My husband is way too worried about how big his biceps are.

He was a really skinny kid (our son is the same way) so I think he always just wanted to be the big tough guy. Well now he’s got muscles and he’s constantly asking me what I think off them. I mean dude I’m into you no matter what size your biceps.

Like contractually obligated for the past fifteen years I’m not going anywhere even if you can’t lift heavy things.

– mom_of_the_year

8. Flabby and soft

Being flabby and soft.

That’s fine with me, let’s be flabby and soft together lol.

– SquilliamFancySon95

9. Height

Height and d size, of course some do have strong preferences for these but I feel like a majority can agree that it doesn’t matter much in the long run.

– lilyakira

10. Rip ’em up


it doesn’t mean you aren’t perfect, it means you went through a sh*t-fest and survived.

and im proud of you for that.

– SteelersObsessed

11. Be open

Don’t be shy if you like *ss play (me with you). Like your embarrassed.. why? I am in no way shape or form thinking your less of a man because you like it… I like playing with your *sshole, you like me playing with your *sshole, what’s the big deal.

It’s a f*cking turn on. I mean, obviously not all people are up for that, but talk about your preferences and what you’d like to try. That goes for men and women.

– jessujak

12. It’s fine

What ur d*ck look like when soft

– rebhcca

13. Sick gains

Not being “ripped.” Truthfully, after 15 year together, if how you feel depends on how your partner looks, call it quits now.

It’s only going to get saggier and wrinklier from here guys.

S*xual attraction goes way beyond physique.

– _walkerland

14. Acne

I truly don’t care about acne.

My boyfriend is really insecure about it but I don’t mind it and he looks pretty cute with it.

– [user deleted]

15. Just clean up

Honestly the only thing that bothers me at all is a man that’s never clean. Like it’s cool to be dirty and work in the yard or go camping, but also you gotta bathe and brush your teeth at least semi-regularly most of the time. Other than that, all else is fine.

Short or tall, chubby, fat, or thin, hairy or not, skin issues, and everything else everyone else here has mentioned truly doesn’t matter. I’ve sincerely dated guys that meet all of those and more of the typically feared physical flaws. I appreciate a guy that’s just himself and let’s me be me with my perceived flaws too. I’m more turned off by someone trying to be something they aren’t or hiding who they are then I am by any physical stuff.

– kllove

Seems fair enough to me!

What would you add to this list for men, women, or anyone?

Tell us in the comments.