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15 Starbucks Baristas’ Share Things That Really Upset Them


As anyone who has ever worked in food service can tell you, there are more than a few things that customers do that, after a few hundred shifts, really get under your skin.

Baristas serve coffee and delicious pastries day in and day out, and if there’s one making your mornings better (and more caffeinated), you’re going to want to make sure you’re not pissing them off by doing one of these 15 things.

15. Changing your order a million times.

You can’t just expect them to juggle ingredients and milks while you hem and haw.

14. Asking for ice water when you pick up your other order.

Just pay the 20 cents for the cup, loser.

13. Insisting they spell your name right.

No, they don’t care.

12. Not using the trash can.

Would your mother let you get away with that?

11. Acting like you’ve been waiting forever when you haven’t.

There’s a system. We all need our coffee. Wait your turn.

10. Too many customizations.

Seriously, you’re just trying to be difficult.

9. Getting annoyed if they ask you to repeat something.

Big group orders are a pain no matter where you work.

8. Talking on the phone while you order.

This is so rude. Don’t do it.

7. Expecting them to interpret your mumble.

E-nunc-i-ate. Also it’s loud in here.

6. Not being ready when you get to the front of the line.

5. Pointing and ordering “that.”

Use your words, folks.

4. Asking “is that my drink?”

Is your name on it? Then no.

3. Taking the wrong drink.

Nope, still not your name.

2. Reaching over the counter.

This is my dance space. This is your dance space.

1. Dumping your coffee in the trash to make room for cream.

It’s called asking for “room” noobs.


I think I’m good!