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15 Times Animals were Perfectly Photoshopped into Random Things

Why? Because it’s funny. Don’t question it too much.

Yes, sometimes we need a break from all the serious, dramatic stuff going on in the world. That’s why Instagram pages like Animals In Things exist.

It’s exactly what it sounds like, animals Photoshopped into random things, and it sure is a lot of fun!

Here are 15 of the best examples from that site.

Take a look!

1. A big ol’ pile of bread.

2. Be careful!

3. Isn’t that something?

4. Keeping out of the rain.

5. This looks familiar…

6. Great White Zeppelin.

7. Don’t bite into this one.

8. Loafing around.

9. Looks comfy.

10. Seal ice cream.

11. Top of the meowntain.

12. The elusive dog pillow.

13. Oh no!

14. Bowl-a-llama-rama.

15. Okay, now I’m starving.

Which one from the Instagram account is your favorite?

Let us know in the comments, please!