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15 Times Things Went Badly for People, And They Have Photos To Prove It

Image Credit: Reddit

There are times in life when you can laugh at another person and not feel badly for a single minute – and there are times when your head is saying “bless his heart” but you get the giggles anyway and they just won’t stop.

And even though you’re going to feel a bit bad about it, these 15 unfortunate souls are definitely going to crack you up.

15. Sweetheart. That is brutal.

14. Bless his heart. That’s a big hole.

13. What lovely scaffolding.

12. Rain, rain go away.

11. That’s a rookie mistake.

10. He was just trying to get some exercise.

9. I always remember the dog’s name, too.

8. But seriously I hope she’s okay.

7. That dog is going to have serious regrets.

6. Man I would be so pissed.

5. Oh man she’s lucky the house is still standing.

4. That’s the universe telling you to get back in bed.

3. Can’t exactly cross that off your bucket list.

2. That is some typical seagull bull.

1. Broken garbage bags ruin the best of days.

I only feel a little bit bad, to be honest. How about you? Do you think these folks did it to themselves?

Let us know your feelings in the comments. Because we love feelings. And comments. 🙂