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15 Tweets About Animals that We Just Don’t Deserve

We all know that animals are completely unpredictable, so either they’re going to make us laugh or kill us. One of those two things.

Thankfully, they usually just make us laugh… as they lay in wait for the right time to strike!

Here are 15 times they decided it was better to make us laugh then introduce us to an untimely demise.

15. Sing it loud! Sing it proud!

14. Oh… you fancy!

13. The cutest!

12. That’s a no from fido…

11. “You dog? I dog too!”


9. Well, there goes THOSE plans…

8. Pretty much me always

7. No touch fone. Only petz. Pls n thx u!

6. Ninjdog

5. Done got wrecked!

4. Yep… pretty much!

3. Hey girl…

2. “Whatever shall I do?!”

1. Good boy!

It’s a wonder they put up with us and not destroy us all.

Because they could.

They have the numbers.