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15 Tweets That Sum up What Adulthood Is All About


Being an adult…well, it kind of sucks. But you gotta roll with it, right?

And despite all the stresses, try to enjoy yourself once in a while!

1. Infuriating

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Me too

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3. Hard to coordinate

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4. Pretty much

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Control yourself

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. It’s not gonna happen

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. And Car Advil, too

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Now I’m depressed

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. I can’t move

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Ditto

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11. The most extreme of all

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. We all do

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Oh sh*t

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. It’s a gift from the gods

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. It’s a lot of fun!

Photo Credit: Twitter

Pretty accurate, right?