There’s plenty of bad in the world, but we don’t need to focus on it all the time. However awful things get, there’s always lots of wholesome to be found, and what’s more, much of it is in meme form!
Here are fifteen wholesome memes to help you feel a little better about everything.
15. Live slow, live long
Enjoying your passions doesn’t have to mean showing off.

Via: pleated-jeans
14. Don’t phone it in
We’re all the clown sometimes.

Via: pleated-jeans
13. Color coordinated
Fun fact: those color norms used to be reversed, proving that it is all entirely arbitrary.

Via: pleated-jeans
12. The absolute dad lad
Puns this strong are dangerous and should not be tampered with.

Via: pleated-jeans
11. And I helped
Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high…

Via: pleated-jeans
10. Making progress
That’s the smile of simple accomplishment.

Via: pleated-jeans
9. Horsin’ around
Or wait, I guess that’s a donkey? Who cares, it’s a friend.

Via: pleated-jeans
8. Special hideaway
We have a clear and present danger.

Via: pleated-jeans
7. Pop up
The best use of a megaphone.

Via: pleated-jeans
6. Feline ok
It’s alright, they really need him right meow.

Via: pleated-jeans
5. Hype man
I’m just so lucky to be included, yanno?

Via: pleated-jeans
4. A neat trick
“Any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic.”

Via: pleated-jeans
3. The purrfect response
This is the stuff of fantasy and I long for it.

Via: pleated-jeans
2. A match made in r/Heaven
Dreams really do come true!

Via: pleated-jeans
1. What a waste
…ok but then let’s actually get wasted.

Via: pleated-jeans
Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Go tell somebody you care about to have a nice day and a nice life. Spread the wholesome along!
What sort of things do you find the most encouraging?
Tell us in the comments.