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15 Zara Ads That Absolutely Defy Description

Via: @awkwardzara on Instagram

The world of fashion has always been well beyond my grasp. I don’t get it, I’ve never gotten it, and that’s fine.

The trouble is that I often can’t tell the difference between, like, some nice style I don’t appreciate because I have no sense of it, and something that’s truly bizarre to normal people as well.

Enter Zara, the clothing company that wants to catch your eye with their modeling photos at pretty much any cost, as exemplified by this Instagram account that collects their strangest offerings.

15. Doll house

Heeeeeeere’s somebody.

14. Excellent reception

Conspiracy theory communities have become so mainstream that even the tinfoil hats are getting fashionable.

13. All a tangle

One day, we will discover how to utilize this vexing creation known as shirt.

12. A lot of baggage

Why have one big thing when you can have two small thing?

11. Monitoring the situation

Worst. Security guard. Ever.

10. Parachute pants

“Yeah I got a tent on my legs, whatcha gonna do about it?”

9. Springboard

Don’t you hate it when you just can’t find space in your house for your over-clothed yoga routine?

8. Rawr XD

I call the big one bitey.

7. Go to the mattresses

When moving into that dorm proves harder than you thought.

6. Oh, Christmas true

It’s the love that dare not speak its name.

5. Paradigm shifts

We’re going to revolutionize the way you think of sitting.

4. Take a stand

This feels like it’s from a trying-very-hard-to-be-deep music video from the late 90’s.

3. The stack

Seriously, we WILL innovate chair technology by the end of the decade.

2. Rainy day fund

Make a splash wherever you go.

1. Gotta hand it to ya

I don’t…I don’t know what to do with this. I don’t know what you want from me here.

It’s a bold marketing strategy, Cotten, let’s see if it pays off.

Would you buy any of these things?

Tell us in the comments.