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16 Baby Shower Confessions That Will Made Us Legit Say, “Oh Wow!”

I’ve never been to a baby shower, and now I’m actually kind of jealous. Because the emotions seem to be at its peak when people are celebrating a friend having a child. Also, the pettiness can be quite high.

And it’s not just the gals. The guys have some shocking stuff they’re thinking (and doing) when a new human coming into the world is being celebrated.

So take a look at these 16 secrets because they will open your damn eyes.

Ready? Set? Go!

1. **sniff**

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. So fabulously, profanely petty.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Just. Say. No.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Oh this sucks…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Y.I.K.E.S.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Pro gift.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Just feel how you feel. Those emotions are all yours.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Dem hoes…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Nerd baby FTW!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Bless their lily white souls…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Oh snap.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Divorce her immediately.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Not a bad point, tbh…

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Wait… what?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. This f**king guy! O_o

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. She’s going to need all the support she can get. Be there for her.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Shocking, yes. Surprising? Not really.

But that Grandmother-To-Be shower and then no baby shower for the mom is peak pettiness. How does something like that even happen?

F**king people…