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Former Poor Kids Are Sharing Things They Never Had — And Other Kids Took This Stuff For Granted

Image Credit: Pixabay

It’s not easy growing up with less when your friends have more – though, if they’ll invite you over to share their toys and pool and maybe their vacation, that’s okay – and most of who grew up poor have vivid memories of the things we wanted so badly that our friends took for granted.

16 of those former kids are sharing those long-ago envious thoughts on Twitter. If you can identify, it’s awesome. If you can’t, you were probably the former, and it never hearts to learn a thing or two!

16. A good mom can make up for a lot.

15. Kids are always green at each other’s snack options.

14. This one is so eye opening to read.

13. Yep. Just putting what you want in the cart, paying for it, and leaving without even looking at the total.

12. You can’t put a price on that.

11. Turns out real Kleenexes are actual luxuries.

10. I do wish I’d been exposed to more international cuisine!

9. So many kids saw ice makers as a sign of luxury (we had trays, too).

8. Hand soap, yes.

7. Limited television options were real life.

6. That’s something most people definitely take for granted.

5. Eating out was a treat in our house, too.

4. Spoiler alert: they do not taste the same.

3. This one makes my heart hurt.

2. I remember feeling fancy when we moved to a two-story house in 5th grade.

1. I’m pretty sure many kids today would struggle to think about living without internet.

I think I grew up somewhere in the middle, because I don’t have a ton of memories of really wanting things my friends had, but I didn’t have some stuff on this list, either!

Where did you fall on the list? What would you add to it? Tell us in the comments!