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16 Memes That Are Funny For All The Left-Handers Out There


Left-handed people are a strange breed, it’s true!

They also love being left-handed, they treat other left-handers like members of a secret society, and they adore jokes that have to do with their “odd” handedness. At least, all of those have been true about the left-handers in my life… so it MUST be true!

If the same goes for you (or someone you know), these 16 memes are going to be right up your alley.

16. My kingdom for one left-handed desk!

15. Fair warning.

14. Everything. *eyebrow wiggle*

13. No one said it would be easy.

12. Hey, it’s a leg up!

11. Their struggle is long.

10. A dead giveaway.

9. Seriously.

8. So sweet.

7. Never give up.

6. All the time.

5. There’s always a comment.

4. Lead poisoning, anyone?

3. There’s writing on those?

2. Otherwise I’ll slowly go insane.

1. So romantic.

Do your part. Hug a left-hander – from the right side.

Heh. 😀