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16 People Who Misused Quotation Marks And It’s Funny They Did

Image Credit: Reddit

If you know how to use language correctly, you have a ton of weapons in your arsenal to help you communicate effectively.

If you need some help here and there, well, your message could thrown a little off track.

Communication is key, and these 16 people learned the hard way that you really want to be careful where you stick your quotes.

16. I feel like these might actually be used accurately.

15. Do we call the cops, or….?

14. I feel like a sign is pretty much unnecessary anyway.

13. That smiles says this was a legit error.

12. No one is buying what he’s selling.

11. That winky face just seals the deal.

10. She definitely meant to do that.

9. Methinks thou dost protest too much.

8. I have no idea what any of this means.

7. I’m not exactly sure what this means but I want to be friends with these people.

6. No one who teaches the flute shall reply.

5. Yeah, so does that clown in the sewer.

4. Am I getting glasses or “glasses” when this is all over?

3. Those quote were not an accident.

2. Go ahead and fudge your resume.

1. Only if she wants to be responsible for your kidnapping and eventual death.

These are killing me, y’all. Quotation marks don’t seem that hard to me!

Do you struggle with quotation marks? Would any of these images give you pause?

Share why and which ones in the comments!