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16 Things That Shaped Millennials Into the People They Are Today

Image Credit: Warner Bros.

So many things have changed in this world since older millennials (people in their 30s) were kids, so it can be hard to explain or understand why we are the way we are (I’m actually a Xennial, so I’ll lean a few years younger for the purposes of this post).

That said, there were a few moments in the 80s and 90s that were pretty formative for so many of us – here are 16 things that could help you understand the older millennial in your life just a little bit better.

16. The McGruff the Crime Dog commercials.

The dog was fine. The scenarios he policed? Horrifying.

15. That one time that Cherie almost died on Punky Brewster after she was locked in an abandoned fridge.

None of us would ever, ever get into an abandoned appliance.

14. This girl who dived into an empty pool.

It was supposed to keep us all off drugs, but I think it just gave us all really bad nightmares.

13. Also, that series two-part The Perils of Punky Halloween episode.

The writers on that show made some questionable choices.

12. When Littlefoot’s mom dies in A Land Before Time.

It went wayyyyy harder than Bambi and I am still not okay.

11. That time the cast of Cats put out an anti-smoking PSA.

I would guess that most people my age did not go see the film version. We’re already scarred, thanks.

10. The Red Room Riddle

This was essentially a horror movie presented as a Saturday morning  cartoon.

9. That Genesis video for Land of Confusion.

What even were those creepy, knock-off muppets?

8. When Rio was dating Jerrica and Jem but they were the same person so maybe it was okay?

Relationship issues galore!

7. The McTonight commercials.

I have no idea what McDonalds was thinking, but hey, our parents only let us eat there on special occasions, anyway.

6. Carol Channing’s character in Alice Through the Looking Glass.

Sure, Alice in Wonderland movies are always screwy, but watching her change into a shrieking sheep was next level.

5. Mr. Boogedy

Disney made this horror show and put it on television. I’m still not over it.

4. The old lady in the Life Alert commercials.

Look, I don’t know anyone who didn’t watch this and see their grandmother. Scarring.

3. The Sledgehammer music video.

Peter Gabriel just sort of…fell apart. Literally.

2. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Specifically the reveal of Judge Doom, but really, the entire thing.

1. When Michael J. Fox nearly died for a Diet Pepsi.

Perhaps this is why and when we all became Coke lovers.

I think these are so sadly true, and I kind of miss when television didn’t pull any punches.

Did any of these warp you forever? Did we miss something? Tell us in the comments!