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16 Tweets That Could Make Your Day Better

We know it’s been a tough week already. You’re probably reading this on a Tuesday, so Monday has already come and gone… and let’s not even talk about Monday anymore.

Heck, maybe it’s Wednesday and you’re feeling that weekend coming on. How great is the weekend going to be?

But right now, we’re in the week and you need to laugh. So laugh you shall!

1. What a POS this guy was…

2. That’s a unique relationship…

3. Drem bout me wen u sleeps!

4. What monsters do…

5. Three times coconut!

6. Oh, you responsible now??

7. Snugs, not drugs.

8. Yes. You can all follow me now…

9. lol… this bish!

10. Genuinely spooky!

11. Haha… k….

12. Maybe she just has a lot of fans in Albania?

13. More conjugating. Less hating.

14. Yeah, that’ll work…

15. That’s good, right????

16. My work here is done…

Ahhhh, that feels better, right?

Good night.