We’re busting out all the freshest memes so you all can get a laugh or two in today. And of course you need to send some of these to your friends. Because that’s just what we do.
Get those laps ready, because we’re dumping them in 3, 2, 1…
1. Why breath when you can swallow?

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
2. I can see this…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
3. STRAIGHT up there!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
4. This would make things so easy…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
5. Kevin’s mom FTW!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
6. I know her…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
7. Perfect

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
8. Yes. Wait.. no. Hmmm…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
9. I want the one on the left

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
10. I will keep these FRESH!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
11. It’s a complicated relationship…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
12. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
13. He’s right, you know!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
14. Ahhh anxiety…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
15. Gonna bang!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
16. You know it’s true

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
17. Perfection!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
And there you have it! 17 awesome memes that your even your mom would approve. Or maybe your mom’s sister.
I’m just saying that aunts like us. That’s all.
What were your faves? Let us know in the comments!