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17 Things From People Who Work At Panera, Really Want You To Understand

Listen, we all love Panera because they’ve got those banging bread bowls with the potato soup and the extra bread for when you’re feeling it, and the apple when you’re not.

This post is all that and a bag of Panera chips, because the employees need you to listen to them already.

They need to be heard!

So hear them now!

1. Come on, just clean your sh^t already…

2. People… how would they do this? HOW?!?

3. An ooey gooey good idea…

4. I just like saying “Focaccia”

5. Less about sanity. More about yummy.

6. Don’t be a god d*mned monster, please.

7. Go. Home.

8. “No, but YOU can got to Stop & Shop.”

9. f*cking bread zombies over here…

10. Speaking of bread… there are some bennies…

11. “We’ve got four bagels, a laddle full of soup and two stale m*ffins.”

12. In. The. Basket. Pls.

13. It’s KEEN-WAH. You’re welcome.

14. Okay, but….

15. You a whole idiot?

16. Solid names

17. And pls, don’t be a dirty, filthy liar.

Okay, gotta go get a bread bowl and that potato soup.

With some extra bread on the side.

But it’s the whole grain, so it’s healthy.

I’m not a monster!