Did you think we’d let you get through the day without a list of memes? Who do you think we are? Monsters?!?
Today, we have a selection of the most random internet LOLS you can handle.
Because what’s a day without a meme? Or 17 of them?
I’ll tell you what it is: not worth it!
1. Middle age always wins.

Photo Credit: Someecards
2. Uh oh. Here we go… again!

Photo Credit: Someecards
3. Okay, I’m good now. Thx.

Photo Credit: Someecards
4. Stone. Cold. Monsters.

Photo Credit: Someecards
5. Sorry, not sorry!

Photo Credit: Someecards
6. My childhood in a nutshell.

Photo Credit: Someecards
7. Isn’t it just ONE mimosa if you keep filling it up before it’s empty?

Photo Credit: Someecards
8. Yes. You are.

Photo Credit: Someecards
9. A billion dollar idea!

Photo Credit: Someecards
10. Actually, twenty one hours a day.

Photo Credit: Someecards
11. Well, that went according to plan!

Photo Credit: Someecards
12. They know my order by heart now!

Photo Credit: Someecards
13. Actually, not a bad idea. Laziness achievement unlocked!

Photo Credit: Someecards
14. Tinder problems…

Photo Credit: Someecards
15. They ain’t cute. At all.

Photo Credit: Someecards
16. What have I done?!?

Photo Credit: Someecards
17. Please give me ALL the cats!

Photo Credit: Someecards
Memes: the fuel that runs the internet.
And since the internet runs your life, memes basically run your life.
Think about it for a second and you’ll realize it’s true…