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17 Photos Of Employees Making Work Hilarious

There are few things that bring us as much joy as making fellow employees feel like they just got played.

Yes, trolling your coworkers is a game that many can play, but few can win.

It’s time to meet the winners. 17 of them, in fact.

We’re not worthy.

1. “This sly cursor switcharoo”

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. “This beloved colleague who was #blessed with a priceless parting gift”

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. “This coworker who was done with all of his other coworkers’ sh^t”

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. “These coworkers who were never good at goodbyes”

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. “These employees who surprised a fellow employee with a sturdy cardboard fortress”

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. “This medic who went to work dressed as her co-medic for Halloween”

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. “This *URGENT* Post-It note that a couple workers left for their security team”

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. “They wanted to make sure that their departing team member could never ~truly~ leave them”

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. “This chummy exchange over some ham”

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. “This coworker who managed to keep their coworker’s birthday ~under wraps~”

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. “This coworker whose tolerance was running low, but whose creativity was at an all-time high”

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. “These coworkers who kept track of when their coworker started humming or singing”

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. “This teacher who valued grammar above sanitation”

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. “This colleague who found the perfect way to deflect any and all human interaction”

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. “This touching memorial *wipes tear* for when an accountant moved cubicles”

Photo Credit: Reddit

16. “This coworker who stayed late to tape Nicolas Cage to the bottom of everyone’s computer mouse”

Photo Credit: Reddit

17. “This employee who found this particular mode of transferring money more fun than Venmo”

Photo Credit: Reddit

I mean, what else can you say except these are all absolutely on point in every way?

Still, we want to hear from you! Which ones did you love the most?

Let us know in the comments!