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17 People Share How Awful Airports Can Be


Plenty of people love traveling, but I think it would be harder to find people who actually enjoy spending time at the airport. It’s a means to an end – a way to get on your way somewhere exciting or a place to pass through on your way back home.

The lines, the germs, the people, the rules… (did I mention the lines?) they all make it a difficult place to actually enjoy on its own.

A fact the 17 people who crafted these tweets understand deep down in their souls.

17. What is food not full of grease during a layover?

16. Maybe not as far as you’re concerned.

15. What is the deal with that?

14. Why does airport pizza insist on being aggressively awful?

13. They’ve had their senses of humor removed.

12. I think we could all get behind this.

11. It’s apocalypse rules.

10. Levels of rude exist.

9. Hell might be nicer.

8. Funny how that works.

7. It shall evaluate the humans by p*oping on the bad ones.

6. Pretty sure he was just screwing with TSA. I approve.

5. And don’t even try to take us through security once we’re opened.

4. Someone has seen the second Bridget Jones’ Diary just too many times.

3. Be jealous, peasants.

2. This is The Truman Show.

1. The comparison is gold.


Happy travels suckers!