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18 Cat Photos That Bring Pure Happiness

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Disclaimer: If you have actual blood pressure issues that require medication, we are not suggesting or urging you to replace your doctor recommended treatment with cat snaps.

For everyone else, who just has bad days every now and again that require a little stress relief, well…that is why cats and Snapchat were invented.

It’s true. Someone knew what they were doing all along.

18. This just melted my heart.

Image Credit: Instagram

17. I really want a reaction shot of the bikers coming out and seeing them.

Image Credit: Instagram

16. This is also the face I make when we are out of Cheetos.

Image Credit: Instagram

15. He just wants to sit in the dirt so whatever.

Image Credit: Instagram

14. It all makes sense now!

Image Credit: Instagram

13. I can definitely tell you who will win.

Image Credit: Instagram

12. Because everyone needs more toe beans in their life.

Image Credit: Instagram

11. It’s extreme but also genius!

Image Credit: Instagram

10. Why is this making me cackle, though?

Image Credit: Instagram

9. Oh, yeah, the cat was definitely behind it.

Image Credit: Instagram

8. Please close the door behind you on the way out.

Image Credit: Instagram

7. This is wrong and also very funny.

Image Credit: Instagram

6. Cats are evil, here’s proof.

Image Credit: Instagram

5. They are wearing the exact same expression, lol.

Image Credit: Instagram

4. When you have the perfect caption.

Image Credit: Instagram

3. Can you blame him, though?

Image Credit: Instagram

2. Moth or ghost?

Image Credit: Instagram

1. For real, this is GOALS.

Image Credit: Instagram

Those cats are bringing me life! Especially because my mean husband is currently taking a hard stand on the No Cats policy at our house.

Do you have a favorite cat picture? Account? Please share with us in the comments because we all need more of this in our lives!