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18 Tweets About Dogs That Might Help you Make it Through Any Ruff Patches

So, feeling down? Having one of those days? Well friends… guess what? We’ve brought together all of this cuteness in one place to make you feel all better again.

And I can tell it’s already working. There’s that smile! You know it’s gonna be a great day… because doggos!

Let’s get to it!

1. You dummy dumb dumb

2. So. Frickin. Pure.

3. “Bitch, I know you playing me…”

4. Hang in there beebee!

5. My hooman! My hooman!

6. Works every damn time…

7. I’d buy a car from Pickles!

8. Yeah Jake! Good boye!

9. How did you even figure this out?!?

10. Yeah, pets are dumb y’all.

11. Move. Dem. Hips.

12. I love the name Tofu

13. **sniff***

14. VICIOUS!!!

15. This timing is perfect!

16. A very truthful doggo!

17. So damn chillllllll

18. She’ll be fine…

OMG… I can’t get over how damn cute all of these were! I just want to hug ALL the tweets.

So then… any fave tweets? Let us know in the comments! Because that’s just what we do around here.