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18 Relatable, Random and Funny Tweets That People Shared

Image Credit: Twitter

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but women are stinking hilarious. Whether they’re comedians onstage, your friend Becky after a few drinks, or random women on the internet, I’m here to tell you that they can crack a joke.

And these 18 women are way funnier than I’ll ever be – and than you might be, too!

So sit back, relax, don’t judge your own tweeting too harshly… and get ready to laugh your a** off!

18. Oh man that’s some classic dad.

17. Take THAT.

16. I mean… would you say no to meat nutella? Because I wouldn’t.

15. Priceless memories right from the start.

14. And they’ve seen all of yours.

13. I mean, that’s ONE way to do it.

12. Or hear any sound at 2am, really.

11. The drama, it slays.

10. Sure, it smells, but have you seen it naked?

9. It is the great mystery of our age.

8. You might need to have a chat about screen time.

7. It’s the circle of life?

6. That poor boy, lolololol.

5. We do what we have to when swimming is involved.

4. We just do what we’re told.

3. It’s just impossible for moms to have a time when they’re not tired.

2. For some reason this gave me the heebie jeebies.

1. This whole scenario takes balls.

I hope I can come up with something half this hilarious to tweet just once in my life! And if I don’t, well, I can always peruse the lists here and laugh instead.

What’s your favorite one-liner from a female comedian? Share it with us in the comments!